Why Near Death Experiences Confirms Jesus a.s?

Most of the cases/accounts of the Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are reported by the people living in the west. In the Western side of the world the name or figure of Jesus A.S isn’t uncommon but actually Jesus A.S is considered a mythical and fictional Holy and loving man for non-Christians or ex-Christians and off-course the believing and practicing Christians consider him “God in human flesh” and “Son of God”.

As we all know, both medically and technologically the west is extremely advanced as compared to all the other parts of the World. When NDEs happen to people they are immediately reported to the doctors and are documented in the relevant researches. The figure of Jesus A.S is stored in the sub-consciousness or unconscious mind which makes its appearance during the Near-death Experiences in the self -created reality of the person experiencing the NDE. Now a person may not be a believer of Christ A.S in this real physical world, but still that character of Christ A.S is stored in the depths of his sub-conscious mind along with tons of other details that he won’t remember in his day to day life at all. These things from your sub-conscious mind will make it’s appearance during the NDEs or your “Astral Projection journeys”.

Another reason for the majority of the cases of NDEs reports mentioning and talking about Jesus A.S on the Internet and platforms like YouTube is that these cases are reported by the people who are fluent in English Language or their primary language is “English”. English is a Globally Spoken language especially in the West and world first countries or developed countries where the figure of Jesus A.S and Christianity is the most common and famous among all the other religious leaders and religions.

Indian, Pakistani and other Eastern and Asian population are not so much fluent in the English language and people are hesitant to speak a foreign language and are more comfortable with their own Native Language. These people also reports tons of Near-death experiences but they don’t gain much recognition and fame due to their native language such as Hindi, Urdu and Chinese aren’t understood by the rest of the World population. The Middle Eastern and Gulf Countries are only interested in speaking Arabic language which they consider it superior to all the other languages, there tons of NDEs of Muslims narrating their NDEs mentioning meeting Allah SWT, Muhammad PBUH and Ali R.A and Paradise and Hell but these accounts are reported in the Arabic language and is available on Internet and YouTube.

The NDEs of Hindus reports meeting Ram, Krishna, Shiva and Ganesha.

The NDEs of Buddhists reports meeting Gautama Buddha , monks and experiences mentioning rebirth.

But when these people are asked to narrate their NDEs in English language, they are not confident and fluent enough and they had to speak by writing their experience down on a paper or screen which makes us think that their experience is scripted or these people are lying just because their NDEs don’t mention Jesus A.S or differ from Christian NDEs.