Exploring Islamic and Scientific Connections
Discover the profound intersections of Islam, philosophy, and science.
Learn about Islam and Islamic History
Dive into our main offerings that bridge Islamic teachings with scientific and exploration.

Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):
The First Revelation:
Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after the first revelation:
Four Rightly Guided Caliphs:
The Ten Blessed Companions:

Difference between Sunnah & Hadith
The Quran, Hadith and Sunnah:
Difference between Hadith and Sunnah:

Islam and other Religions; Why Islam?
Islam vs Christianity:
Islam vs Buddhism:
Islam vs Hinduism:
Islam vs Judaism:
Islam and Atheism/Ilhaad:
Islam and Zoroastrianism:
Islam and Mysticism:
Islam & Philosophy
Islam and the Perennial Philosophy:
Difference between Monotheism/Monism/Pantheism/Polytheism and all the other ‘Isms’:
Islam and the Vedic Philosophy:
Is your ‘Ism’ better than Islam?:
Islam and the Buddhist Philosophy:
Islam, Yoga & Meditation:
Islam , Manifestation, Telepathy and the law of Attraction:
Islam , Numerology & Astrology?:

Islam and Modern Science

Big Bang and the Quran:
Evolution and the Quran:
Islam and Metaphysics and Parapsychology:
Islam and the Day of Judgement:
Islam and Mysticism

Islam and Near Death Experiences: https://islamphilosophyscience.com/astral-projection-ndes-and-islam/
Islam and Astral Projection/OBES: https://islamphilosophyscience.com/astral-projection-ndes-and-islam/
Islam and Sufism :