First We should know what is Qareen in Islam.

Qareen is a Jinn companion that is appointed to every human that is born.

What Quran says about Qareen?

Sūrat az-Zukhruf: “And whosoever turns away from remembering and mentioning the Most Beneficent, we appoint for him a Satan to be a Qareen to him.” (43:36)

Ibn Masʻood, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “There is none amongst you except that his Qareen from the jinn and his Qareen from the angels were assigned to him.” The Companions asked, “Even you, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “Even me, but Allah supported me against him, so I am safe from him and he does not command me but to do good.'” [Sahih Muslim]

On the Day of Judgement Human is His Qareen will be arguing with each other as reported in the Holy Quran

Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {His [devil] companion will say, “Our Lord, I did not make him transgress, but he [himself] was in extreme error.”} [Quran 50:27]

We humans in this physical dimension, but our Qareen is always present with us on the Astral Plane.

Astral plane is a spiritual plane, also known as the world of consciousness and thoughts.

Astral Projection or Out of Body Experiences are supernatural phenomenon that allows your consciousness to leave your body temporarily.

When people have Out of body experiences involuntarily due to pain, trauma or near death and life threatening situation, people may experience OBEs because their consciousness and body connection is very weak yet. During these events people can experience everything, and each experience will differ with the other one. Majority of the these Near Death Experiences are reported in the west where the name of Jesus(PBUH) is well known and majority of the Christians or ex Christians reside there. That is the reason most of the recorded near death experiences talks about meeting Jesus A.S of visiting Paradise and Hell. For those people who were never religious they may transfigure into a being of light or visiting a huge orientation room or having somewhat experience like that “we are all playing a character in the physical plane”

The Near Death Experiences(NDEs) are also reported by Asians and people of India & Pakistan, but as they aren’t much fluent in the English language, they have to narrate their experience by writing it down or reading it from a board , for this reason most of the cases reported by the Asians look scripted and fake, but in reality they are not.

The Holy Quran also tells us that upon death our forms will be changed ; “In that we will change your likeness, and produce you in the forms you do not know or perceive’’ (56:61) But NDEs are not death.

NDEs are life changing experiences for majority of the people especially materialists, and majority of these people take their experiences of NDEs journey to face value and consider it the hidden or veiled truth which is unlocked to them. In fact it is not, these people are unaware that humans can induce these type of experiences since the beginning of the creation, this term is also known as “Astral Projection”.

Astral Projection:

When OBEs are done voluntarily and willingly they are known as “Astral Projection “. People have the ability to control their consciousness by adjusting the frequency of their mind through meditation or keeping their consciousness active while entering the sleeping state. There are many ways and steps to project outside your body, but I won’t mention that here.

When people does this and their consciousness move out of their bodies, they can see their body lying on the bed. At first it felt like they are dead, and in fear they try to return to their bodies. Our body and mind is strongly attached with the silver cord, so whenever a person wants to return to his body, he just have to try to feel his body and he’ll be back.

Its actually their Qareen/Hamzaad/Jinn Companion is separated from their bodies and they are controlling their Qareen.

People who Astral project regularly, they use mantras and verses of religious texts to protect their body from evil spirits entering their bodies. People land on the different levels of the astral plane according to their positive and negative energies/vibrations. If he is an evil person, he will be in lower levels of the astral plane, but if someone is a good person, he’ll be in higher level of the astral plane.

In Higher levels of the Astral plane good entities reside. In the lower level of the planes negative and evil entities reside. People often practice astral projection for fun, but they are noy aware of the consequences. When we open or unlock our third eye, now we are vulnerable to everything, especially to Jinns and Satan.

The Quran also mentions us that: “He and his host surely see you from whence you do not see them. We have made satans the guardians of those who do not believe.”

We all know that only Allah SWT is Knower of the Unseen as mentioned in the verse 27:65:

“Say: “None in the heavens or on the earth has knowledge of the Unseen except Allah. They do not know when they will be raised to life.”

It is even strongly discouraged and Haram in Islam to become seeker of the unseen or ghayb. When a person becomes seeker of the unseen or takes interest in the unseen, then Satan and devils/Jinns also play their role and will try to deceive you in every way possible.

The problem with Astral projection is people cannot keep it scientific like it is done in the physical world, they try to add religion into it or based the teachings of their religion according their spiritual experiences which is the reason why the religions like Hinduism, Budhism, Janism and taoism or all the other isms got corrupted or came into being , including the Sufism or Sufi sect of Muslims. These all isms talk about Astral Projection and Spirituality.

Is it Haram to practice Astral projection?

And the Consequences of the Astral Projection?

As we discussed , when a person becomes seeker of the unseen, the satan and Jinns also plays their part.

In your Astral Journeys, You may meet your deceased relative/friends/or parents. You may experience Heavenly Journey, you may meet Buddha, Shiva , Jesus PBUH , Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Hazrat Ali R.A or even Allah SWT.

The Qareen and Jinns may show you visions of your last 10 past lives, to deceive you into believing in reincarnation.

But it is actually nothing real but is a created reality by your mind/Qareen or the person controlling you.

Like if someone goes to a Hindu Sadhu or Guru to learn Spirituality, the Hindu Guru can show him/her anything he want want in the Astral Plane. Same goes for the Sufi Sheikhs, Budhist Monks, Christian monk Kabballic Jews. Even in the South African tribes(such as lakuta) they need a “Shaman” to protect them in their astral journeys.

The best thing is to do is stick with Quran and Sunnah only, and don’t become seeker of the unseen.

The Quran says ; “And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart – about all those [one] will be questioned.” (17:36).

And about the Soul and Wahi , the Quran is clear that :

“They ask you about “the spirit”. Say: “The spirit descends by the command of my Lord, but you have been given only a little knowledge.”(17:85).


There is so much knowledge and paths in the world, which gives birth to many questions. Astral projection is a knowledge, similarly black magic is a knowledge too, but that doesn’t meet that this knowledge is beneficial for us.

Allah SWT clearly said his religion Islam and message Quran is the only “straight” path.

All the other paths and knowledge are complex and corrupt.

“One day Prophet Muhammad PBUH), drew a line in the sand for them and said, “This is Allah’s path.” He then drew several lines to the right and to the left and said, “These are the paths [of misguidance] on each of which is a devil inviting people to follow it.” He then recited the verse: ‘Verily, this is my path, leading straight, so follow it. And do not follow the [other] paths for they will scatter you about from Allah’s path. That is His command to you in order that you may be conscious of Allah’ (Hadith by Ahmed).

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